Search string in Windows XP/2003

Windows XP and Windows 2003 need a specific configuration for finding some file type when you do a Search for Files "containing text" or using the "A word or phrase in the file" option.

This behavior is well descripted in MS Article 309173

Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and locating the entry for the file type in question (e.g. .txt, .adm, .asp), expand the branch for that file type, and if the PersistentHandler subkey does not exist, create it.
Do this by clicking on the file extension key and going to Edit, New, Key. Name the Key, PersistentHandler.
Click on the PersistentHandler sub-key. In Regedit's right pane, double click on the Default value and enter the following (copy and paste may be your best bet):
If the PersistentHandler sub-key does exist, do not change the default value. This could have very undesired consequences.
Close Regedit and reboot the computer.

Another solution is to use a Doug Knox vbscript available on:
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