Analyze MEMORY.dmp

This information has been copied from Max's Blog...
If your server logged " The previous system shutdown at hh:mm:ss AM on dd/mm/aaaa was unexpected. " and it generated a dump file( es. Memory.dump ) but you don't know tha cause of blue screen.... you can use WinDbg to get more details..
Install and launch Windbg then:
  1. Load the dump file
  2. Type .symfix
  3. Type .reload
  4. Type !Analyze
  5. Read the Bugchek Analysis Report
If symbols can't be loaded try
.sympath SRV*c:\Windows\symbols*
 .reload /f
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3 commenti:

Anonymous said...

A useful post. However a few things to add. I was running windbg on a WinXP workstation. I was debugging a 2gb memory dump off a 2k server that kept randomly crashing. The first thing I had to do was download the symbol files for win2k onto my local workstation. Then set the symbol path to look at the directory where i had these symbol files unpacked.

Secondly the !analyze command should be run with a -v. ie !analyze -v

Thirdly once the dmp file has been debugged the "Image_name:" field will tell you the file causing the OS to crash. In my case "BROHL98A.dll"

To find out what was calling this dll I downloaded and ran some microsoft reporting tools. Specifically MPSRPT_NETWORK.exe download from

This told me a bother print driver was calling this dll. I upgraded the drivers. Problem gone.


Dan L

Anonymous said...

Download Windows Symbol Packages--

Anonymous said...

The vast majority of my BSODs come from faulty printer drivers and I've had all sorts of printers but it still tends to happen. Can't remember the last time I had a absolutely stable printer driver. To top it off I Just had a BSOD related issue myself this new years eve, and (what a coincidence) uninstalling the printer made it stop.

It pisses me off that tech-support "experts" out there are so quick to claim that: "Chances are it's a RAM issue, bitch! Start swapping those RAM bricks 1 by 1 and test them all the way through!!!" Obviously they don't give a shit about the tedious & risky procedures you have to go through just to most likely find out it's not the case at all.

Is it really that hard for you printer-makers (if you're by any chance reading this one day) to create a printer driver that actually works without the need to BSOD on the slightest bullshit!? Or must I find a way to disable BSODs? Something that I sadly have yet to find.