Convert VHD from Hyper-V to Virtual PC

Many site said it's impossible to convert an Hyper-V VHD based image to Virtual PC 2007 format, I found a way to do it, basically you need to remove integration services before copy vhd, then replace hal.dll.

1) Before copy VHD file, REMOVE Hyper-V Integration Services
2) Stop the Virtual Machine and copy the VHD file (let's call VirtualMachine1.vhd)
3) Start another virtual machine inside Virtual PC with same OS and use as a Secondary Disk the previous copied file (VirtualMachine1.vhd)
4) Using Windows Explorer from the previous started virtual machine open the Secondary Disk (let's suppose it's recognized as E:)
5) Replace hal.dll from the secondary disk (E:\WINDOWS\system32\HAL.DLL) using the file present into C: Partition.
6) Don't install ACPI drivers

More details about HAL.DLL file on:
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10 commenti:

Unknown said...

Thanks for help, but how i can remove Integrated Services? Is not possible to unistall Hyper-V. or you know a way how to do it? Please tell me how.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can remove the integration services from a windows2003 machine, but with a windows2008 machine?!?

bye Ciccio!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip - I was able to move Aivea Commerce Server VM to VPC

Marwan said...

to remove the integration service mount them then from cmd run setup /uninstall

Anonymous said...

worked like a charm - thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Vittorio,
Your solution is wonderful. I've played with these options separately, but the trick is in using these 2 steps together.

Anonymous said...

10x a lot Bro.Your post was very helpful.

jakson0100 said...

Windows 2000 SP4 is also an operating system wich is supported and can take advantage of the VMbus architecture.

migrated this OS to a hyper-V environment this week and i noticed it installed vmbus components for the network card and other devices.

Anonymous said...

Great idea. However, even though I am pretty savvy, I do not seem to make it work.

After replacing the HAL.DLL on the fully functional 32-bits SBS 2003 Premium VM from Hyper-V, the VM tries to boot and get stuck on the Windows Server 2003.

Any other tricks or suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Loudspeaker said...

Works like a charm! Thank you very very much for this tip! Amazing!